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The top of the mountain

May 15, 2019
Our laboratory has carried out a mountain hiking and climbing event at Mt. Kimbo (662 m above sea level). This time, we went the mountain with our visiting researcher, Dr. Saravanan and three foreign exchange students from Malaysia. The first prize winner in the "SARUSUBERI" steep slop dash competition, who is the youngest student in our laboratory, climbed in about 15 minutes. Prof. Tomoshige climbed in 35 minutes.

May 14, 2019
Dr. Saravanan Somasundaram (Left), our visiting researcher, has visited Prof. Hokamoto (Right) at Institute of pulsed power science, Kumamoto University, with Prof. Tomoshige. Prof. Zoran Ren (Middle), University of Maribor, Slovenia, has also just been visiting at Prof. Hokamoto's Lab.

April 24, 2019
We had a welcome party for Dr. Saravanan Somasundaram's (lower right in the photo) visiting with hand-made cuisine by our students.

April 21, 2019
A visiting researcher, Dr. Saravanan Somasundaram, from Annamalai University, India, has joined our laboratory.
He is the specialist for explosive welding of metals.
As Sojo university has MOU with Annamalai university, he is visiting our laboratory now as the first case in accordance with the partnership project on MOU, which was made by the cooperation of research center for advances in impact engineering, Sojo university.
Dr. Saravanan will stay and teach our students in our laboratory until end of June.

February 18, 2019
Our laboratory accepted a new foreign exchange student, Ms. THUSALENI PONNIAH, from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (Malaysia).
She has a comment: I am glad to work with people in this lab. they are kind and helpful and I wont to learn their culture and make new friends as I am an exchange student. I would like to learn more not only regarding my research but also everything abt japanise people culture and language.
She will stay and study in our laboratory until end of July.

November 22, 2018
Ms. Murayama of the undergraduate, 4th grade, and Mr. Nagata of the graduate student presented the their research contents at the domestic conference in Kumamoto by Kyushu Branch, Ceramic Society of Japan, held at Kumamoto City International House. Ms. Murayama was the only undergraduate student who made a presentation at the conference.
In addition, Assoc. Prof. Inokawa talked at the request from the Society and also chaired the session.

November 7, 2018
Professor Tomoshige who is also the head of Research Center for Advances in Impact Engineering, Sojo University, has agreed with respect to the Science and Technology Agreement (MOU) with the National Science Research Center "Demokritos", Greece, at SIPS 2018 (2018 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition) international conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He had the signing ceremony with Professor Athanasios G. Mamalis from Demokritos.

November 6, 2018
Professor Tomoshige made a research presentation at SISPS 2018 (2018 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition) international conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
He gave one invited lecture (oral presentation) and one poster presentation. The former is a collaborative research between Dr. Seiichiro Ii of the National Institute for Materials Science and Prof. Yasuhiro Morizono of National Institute of Technology, Kurume College, and the latter is a collaborative research with Associate Professor Masashi Nishida of the Department of Nanoscience at Sojo University.

October 13, 2018
The annual "Kimbo-zan mountain climbing" was held with college juniors newly joined to our lab. Through self introduction etc. at the summit of Mt. Kimbo-zan, we enhanced our friendship each other.
After the mountain climbing event, our elder laboratory members held welcome party for the freshmen at Japanese restaurant with having graduates, graduate students from other laboratories, Prof. Matsushita of vice president, and Associate Prof. Koizumi from Dept. applied life science of our university who are conducting joint research with our lab. It was a good party that we were able to deepen further our friendship with freshmen. (Student secretary)

February 18, 2019
Our laboratory accepted a new doctoral course student, Ms. Aishah Mahpudz from Malaysia, in cooperation with Prof. Kusakabe who is a professor of division of applied chemistry, Sojo university. She hoped to get doctoral degree in Japan after she got the masters degree in Malaysia.
The good news is that she could get Japanese government-sponsored foreign
She has a comment: I am glad and blessed to be a member of this laboratory that consist of vibrant and cheerful people. As well as working hard they sure know how to have fun! Overall it's a great place to study and experience new .

August 30, 2018
We held a monthly social gathering at "Kumamoto PARCO Beer Garden".
I was blessed with the weather, deepened interaction with my colleagues and companies in the laboratory while doing BBQ.
Since a foreign exchange student, Ms. Lim will return to Malaysia, we also did a farewell party. Although we were lonely, we sent her to her parent country with our smile. All of us would like to pray for her success in Malaysia. (Student secretary)

August 9, 2018
Internship for a foreign exchange student, Lim-san from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia, will close soon. The summary presentation was splendid. We hope that it will replace the catalyst technology obtained under the guidance of assistant professor Inokawa, and will be a source of further growth of her home country.

June 30, 2018
Mr. Nagata, who is a graduate student, presented his research results at the 55th Joint conference of Kyushu Branch of Societies on Chemistry, held at Kitakyushu.
He said "I was nervous at the first conference, but it was a good experience for me to listen to the presentation by many people."

June 4-8, 2018
Prof. Tomoshige was invited to the 14th International Ceramics Congress International Conference (CIMTEC) in Perugia, Italy, and made a research presentation. It was the only participation from Sojo University.

March 25, 2018
We went to the beautiful Suizenji Park, which is one of the most famous parks in Japan. We had also HANAMI festival with viewing the cherry blossom. Lim-san, the foreign exchange student, wore a Japanese traditional KIMONO at KIMONO shop near the Suizenji Park.

March 19th - 21st 2018
Our students, Mr. Okamoto and Ms. Sonoda presented their research at the domestic conference, the 162nd Spring Meeting of Japan Institute of Metal.
Mr.Okamoto did poster presentation, Ms. Sonoda made oral presentation.

Graduation ceremony on March 15, 2018
Congratulations for their graduation. Please do your best on yourself even in the new place.

February 9, 2018
Our laboratory accepted a foreign exchange student, Ms. Lim Siu Ling, from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (Malaysia).
We also had a welcome "TAKOYAKI" party with another foreign exchange student who had studied abroad from the same university in advance.

November 22, 2017
Prof. Tomoshige (second from the left in the photo), the Research Center for Advances in Impacts Engineering of Sojo university made a courtesy visit to Annamalai University, India, together with Prof. Kusakabe head of the International Center of the University of Sojo (left of the photo). At Annamalai University, he met with Dr. S. Manian, Vice-Chancellor (deputy general manager of the university: right of the photo), and introduced both universities and the contents of concrete exchanges.
This MOU has decided to conclude an agreement because there are many common research fields between Prof. Tomoshige and Prof. Raghukandan of Annamalai University (third from the left). In the future, mutual human exchanges and technical exchanges will be carried out.

Prof. Tomoshige presented research at the international conference "Summit and Exhibition of Sustainable Industrial Processes" (2017 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition, SIPS 2017) held in Cancun, Mexico. The title of the presentation is Preparation of Multilayered Composites by Hot Explosive Welding Techniques.
Guests invited a lot of Nobel laureates to this international conference, and 1 or 2 guests are giving lectures everyday, which is very inspiring.

October 13, 2017
Lab.Tomoshige Annual Event! :
Mountain Climbing & Summit Research Report Meeting" held at Mt. Kimbou-zan. Girl students also climbed energetically.

June 4, 2017 Reconstruction assistance after Kumamoto great earthquake:
We set up green curtains with students in Mashiki-machi, Kiyama housing complex where people lives to evacuate from the disaster area.
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