1.1989 TEM specimen preparation of TiAl alloy powders produced by plasma rotating electrode process
2.1991 Explosive consolidation of TiNi shape memory alloy powder
4.1993 Explosive powder compaction with a water pressure medium
5.1993 Martensitic transformation in rapidly solidified Ti-47at%Al alloy powder
6.1993 Pressure analysis on powder compaction process using converging underwater-shock wave assembly
7.1993 Underwater-shock consolidation of difficult-to-consolidate powders
8.1993 Underwater-shock consolidation of TiAl powder
9.1993 水圧力媒体を用いた助剤無添加窒化ケイ素粉末の爆発衝撃固化
10.1993 水中衝撃圧力によるSiCウィスカー強化窒化ケイ素複合材の作製と二,三の性質
11.1994 Explosive compaction of silicon nitride powder without additives utilizing underwater-shock wave
12.1994 合成反応熱を利用した部分安定化ジルコニア粉末の熱間衝撃圧縮
13.1994 爆発衝撃固化したTiAl合金粉末圧縮材の微細組織と機械的性質
14.1995 Hot shock consolidation of difficult-to-consolidate powders using a converging underwater-shock wave
15.1995 In-situ underwater-shock consolidation of combustion synthesized titanium carbide
16.1995 ブリッジマン法によるハロゲン化アルカリ固溶体単結晶の作製とその性質
17.1995 自己伝ぱ燃焼合成と水中衝撃圧縮の複合プロセスによる高密度炭化チタンの作製
18.1996 ナフテン酸塩塗布膜の熱分解による Ba フェライト薄膜の作製
19.1996 水中衝撃波と自己伝播高温合成によるTiC-Al2O3系導電性セラミックの合成同時
20.1996 燃焼合成による微細TiC粒子分散Ti-Al-C三元系複合材料の作製と微細組織観察
23.1997 Production of TiB2-TiN composites by Combustion Synthesis and Their Properties
24.1997 Underwater-shock compaction of high performance TiN/TiB2 composites produced by combustion synthesis
25.1997 2ーエチルヘキサン酸塩の熱分解によるZrO2-CaO系薄膜の作製
26.1997 水中収束衝撃波を利用した高速度鋼粉末の高温衝撃固化
28.1998 Stockbarger法によるKCl-RbCl と CsCl-RbCl 系固溶体単結晶の作製とその性質
29.1998 自己伝播高温合成/爆発衝撃固化法によるTiC/Ti4Al2C2/TiAl 系傾斜組成材料の作製
30.1998 燃焼合成と爆発衝エネルギーを用いたTi-Al-C系複合材料の作製とその機械的及び熱的性質
33.1999 High-Temperature-Shock Compaction of Ceramics / Silicide Composites Produced by Combustion Synthesis
34.1999 燃焼合成法によるSm-Fe系合金の作製とその磁気特性に及ぼす衝撃圧縮の効果
35.2000 Application of explosive shock compaction to functionally graded materials produced by SHS reaction
37.2000 Preparation of functionally graded materials utilizing hot shock compaction technique
38.2000 Preparation of spinel-dispersed alumina-based composites utilizing metallorganic compounds
40.2001 Generation of extremely high shock pressure by convergent collision of high speed jets
41.2001 Preparation of fine honeycomb ceramics by fiber combustion method
42.2001 Synthesis behaviour and hot shock compaction of silicon carbide / chromium boride composites
44.2002 Effect of additives on cyclic stability of LiMn2O4 cathode for lithium ion battery
46.2002 Preparation of sintered bodies using volcanic ash and their properties
47.2002 Preparation of solid-solution single crystals in KCl-TlCl system and their properties
49.2002 崇城大学衝撃先端技術研究センターの紹介
50.2003 Al-SiCp composites by underwater shock compression
51.2003 Effect and application of convergent collision of metal jets with extremely high velocity
52.2003 Preparation of ceramic composites from plants
53.2003 Reaction mechanism on ceramic composites from woody waste materials during combustion synthesis
55.2003 Synthesis of ceramic compounds utilizing woody waste materials and rice husk
56.2004 Effect of alkali element on yellowish coloration in dental porcelain
57.2004 Effect of TiO2 coating on the sinterability of fine Ni powder
58.2004 Evacuation effect of products during underwater shock compaction
60.2005 Acid resistance and electron microscopy of hot shock consolidated TiN-TiB2composites
61.2005 Observation of Metal Jet in Extremely High Impulsive Pressure Generator
62.2005 Some Properties of TiN-TiB2 Composites Obtained by Hot Shock Compaction
63.2006 Sinterabilitey of TiO2-coated fine Ni powder
64.2006 Explosive welding of titanium/stainless steel by controlling energetic conditions
65.2007 Development of Resistance Welding for Silicon Carbide
67.2008 Advanced materials synthesis and microstructural characterization using explosive at Sojo University
69.2008 Study of phase transformations in heat treatment of HVOF thermally sprayed WC-17Co coating,
71.2009 Some Tribological Properties of SHS-Produced Chromium Sulfide
72.2009 Synthesis of TiN powders through electrical wire explosion in liquid nitrogen
75.2012 On the mechanochemical activated synthesis of nanocrystalline in-situ Ti(Al)N
76.2012 Hot Dynamic Densification of Materialsby Utilizing Underwater Shock Wave
77.2012 Phase Transformation of Powdered Material by Using Metal Jet
80.2017 Inhibition of silver-yellowish coloration on leucite glass-ceramics using cerium oxide
81.2017 Preparation of Multilayered Composites by Hot Explosive Welding Techniques