
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Nanoscience
Office Address:
Building N, Room 706
22-1Ikeda, 4-chome, Nishi-ku, Kumamoto
860-0082 Japan
Email: tomosige (at) nano.sojo-u.ac.jp
[Change (at) to @ ]
https://tomoshige17.wixsite.com/ website-2/blank-1

Dr. Ryuichi Tomoshige is professor of department of nanoscience at SOJO University. He also holds appointment of head of "Research Center for Advances in Impact Engineering".
He joined the Faculty of Engineering at Kumamoto Istite of Technology (currently SOJO university) in March, 1993. His research focuses on studies of shock-wave processing, developments of novel materials of metals, ceramics, and their composites by using combustion synthesis or self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS). His current research project includes hot shock welding and hot shock compaction, which are unique fabrication methods he has built. The methods involved both of the shock wave processing and combustion synthesis techniques. The shock wave experiments employ plastic explosives with detonation velocity of 3000 to 7000 m/sec. MAX phase materials such as Ti-Al-C,Ti-Si-C and Ti-S-C have been prepared by him from 1995. His research group has shown that they had layered structure and intermediate hardness between ceramics and intermetallic compounds. It has been given his attention to improvement of fracture toughness by introducing metal organic compounds to ceramics. He has designed also particular method for in-situ magnetization of magnetic materials, which can prepare the micrometer-size magnets. Now, through his international research activities, he became a member of the Euro Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences (EMAAS) in 2019.